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Game Name : RuneScape
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2002-07-26 07:45:00
Views : 15754

Hint :
Hint: Easy money:
Go to Port Sarim, west of Draynor village, and ask one of the people in the blue uniforms to go to Karamja and pay them 30 GP. When you get there, walk off the dock and you should see a house. Enter the house and talk to a man named Luthas. He will ask you to pick bananas. Answer "Yes", pick bananas, put them in the crate, then talk to Luthas to collect your moderately earned 30 GP. If you would like more money in multiples of 30, ask him to get another 30 GP for doing the job again. Stay here for a long time if you need to spend several thousand on items..

Get your character's mining level up to level 38 by mining iron, etc. Then, go to the Barbarian Village and mine coal from the rocks, which you can sell for 100 to 300 GP per piece. You will also occasionally find a gem (from least valuable to most, sapphire, emerald, ruby, diamond) which can be sold for good prices.

Once you are at level 40 mining, add a person named yodoo86 to your list. He always buys coal. Mine coal and sell to him for 100 GP.

Get your smithing and mining levels up to 40 and mine gold in the Lessers Pits on Karajama Island. However, be careful of the level 21 skeletons. There are five rocks, so on a good night when no one is on, you can hit them in a row making your trip very easy. You can usually get 25 gold ore that becomes 25 gold bars. Put them into certs and sell for 1k a gold cert.

Hint: Combat levels, prayer levels, money, and good items:
Get a Brass Key by any means necessary. You can find them far into the "dungeon/mines" of Edgeville. Go to the locked little house with a ladder leading down inside in between Varrok and the Barbarian Village. Use the Brass Key with the door providing access. Take the first turn to the left into a close room (with a gate) filled with giants (level 36). The giants give good experience, drop big bones (better for prayer than normal bones), money (up to 47 GP dropping at a time), and good items (steel and iron items, gems of all grades except for diamond, and all runes). Note: Bring a fly fishing rod and feathers to fish for some food when down there.

Hint: Survive in the Lava Chambers:
Get to the point where you are able to fight Lesser Demons or level 54 Skeletons or Red Spiders. After defeating the Dragon, or at least using the secret door the first time from the Crandor side, get enough Fishing and Cooking to be able to catch and cook Lobster. Bring a Lobster Pot, a Tinderbox and a Hatchet (any type). Reach the island from Karamja (through the secret door). Fight your monsters, etc. When you run out of food, return through the secret door to Karamja and fish for Lobsters. Then, cut a tree for logs, set it on fire, and cook your Lobsters. This allows you to survive in the Lava Chambers under Crandor/Karamja Islands almost indefinitely. This is useful for leveling up against certain monsters and to also get a lot of one kind of item from a particular monster (such as Rune Mediums from Lesser Demons).

Hints and Tips
Submitted By : X
One of the best ways to make money is to sell fish. (unless you can smith rune [duh]) boost your fishing up to 40.
The best fishing spot is in karijama.
To get to karijama
- start at lumbridge
- go on the long road leading away from the castle
- keep going until you come to the SECOND turn point
- go on the dock and board the ship (this will cost 60gp total for a to and from trip)
-after you get off go forward
-keep going until you see another road that turns
-go forward and you will see the fishing spot.

1x sleep bag
At least 60gp
1x fish rod, net, lobbie cage, harpoon, etc.
Bait (if fishing with a rod)
Axe (doesn’t matter what type, bronze, iron, steel, etc.)

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